Freitag, 19. Dezember 2008

Real life is better than TV

Sometimes, I am really happy I am (hopefully) out of the rat race.

This weeks highlights were

  • a site manager whose site was closed down, without him
    being told until after the fact (hey, they just did not want to trouble you)
  • the strangenesses of paying seperation pay correctly (following
    this story, you'd think some people are just unable to do things the
    easy way. That's a management attitude, not the fault of the guys)
  • an org chart with the site managers name labeled as "that guy in fishtown" (we are a people company!)
  • a press release lauding the president elect (never hurts, does it?)
  • telling customers there are no Christmas presents and then sending lavish presents to the managers (neat move, really helps!)

I really wonder what happens next.