Sonntag, 19. April 2009

Can I have a certificate with that?

I will be holding some talks on the sense and nonsense of security certifications (ISO 27001, Common Criteria, PCI-DSS, whatever) in the next couple of weeks, and I am really curious what the public will say. My past forays into public appearances were less than exciting - people are nodding, people are saying "yes, we need", people do not really understand what this is about.

In particular, I have yet to see a bank that really understands what PCI-DSS is about (which is probably due to my limited exposure to banks, but hey, I know at least two now that are candidates for the "clueless in Bavaria" prize).

Blackhat EU 2009

Here is the download secition for the past EU 2009 session:

I am not truly excited. I have not been there, but from what I am told it was fun, but nothing really new - some xploits for weaknesses known but not exploited before, some things better explained than before, but nothing new, weird and wonderful. Anyway, read for yourselves.